Well, here we are at the end of August 2018. Where does the time go? I think as we grow older the time speeds up, but why?
This year has been harder than expected, with the 1st and the 2nd Litter out of the house. I miss our family always together. I miss them being little, I miss watching the 1st in the Litter cheer and the 2nd in the Litter play football. I just miss them period. I know this is how life is supposed to be, grow up, get married, have kids, kids grow up, get married and so on and so forth but that really doesn't make it any easier. At least not right now.
Anyway, I have attached pictures of our 2nd Foreign Litter; he comes from Denmark. We've enjoyed getting to know him and learning about Denmark!
Also have added pictures of the other Foreign Exchange Student from Denmark and she won 2018-2019 Miss Watermelon! Along with pictures from 3rd in the Litters National American Miss pageant.